Randi Frank with Georgian Lussier – HR clip – MidLIFE Matters TV
Randi went solo as an HR Consultant after being laid off from a high-level municipal position, and 16 years later, has never looked back! WPAA-TV, Wallingford, CT
Randi Frank and Georgian Lussier – full MidLIFE Matters interview
Randi shares her experience working as an HR Consultant, with a focus on municipalities. At midlife she launched her own business, after losing a senior position at a City Hall. Her story of believing in herself and staying the course is sure to inspire!
Randi Frank Attended Kentucky City/County Management Association Regional Meeting in Lebanon
LEBANON, Ky.— Randi Frank met with several other Kentucky city managers and administrators for a regional Kentucky City/County Management Association (KCCMA) meeting on August 10, 2018.
Lebanon Mayor Gary Crenshaw welcomed attendees to the city and introduced Lebanon City Administrative Officer John Thomas as host of the meeting. The agenda for the meeting included a presentation giving an overview of Lebanon’s economic development and tourism initiatives.
Serving as the current KCCMA President and City of Lebanon CAO John Thomas said, “It’s a real pleasure to have my peers visit Lebanon to see our new City Hall and learn from our experiences in economic development and tourism. I’m proud of our city staff, we’ve given the KCCMA members some great ideas. It’s great that we can learn from one another and take information back to our hometowns.”
The Kentucky City/County Management Association (KCCMA) is made up of city managers, city administrators and county administrators from 50 cities and/or counties in Kentucky. KCCMA was organized in 1977 and exists to encourage professionalism, competency and the value of professional management for cities and counties in Kentucky.
“I’m glad that Randi Frank Consulting is represented in this organization,” said Randi Frank, CEO of Randi Frank Consulting. “These regional meetings provide each manager with information about current issues we’re all dealing with, and we learn about new trends as well. It’s great to hear from other managers who are dealing with similar concerns elsewhere in the state.”
The Kentucky City/County Management Association is a membership organization that exists to improve the quality of government, cities, counties and services throughout Kentucky. To learn more about the organization, visit www.kccma.org.
Randi Frank presenting at Kentucky Society of Human Resource Managers
I will be presenting at the Kentucky Society of Human Resource Manager (KY SHRM) meeting in Louisville on August 28th at the Omni Hotel. I will be a part of a panel of Human Resource Thought Leaders who have authored books or chapters about best practices in Human Resources. I will be speaking about “Recruiting the Right Talent for Your Organization” from the Book You @ Work published by Silver Tree Publishing. https://randifrank.com/you-work-unlocking-the-human-potential-in-the-workplace/
The Session is meant for human resources and business leaders who understand the importance of embracing the human spirit of their employees and encouraging employees to bring their entire selves to work. Abolutely every decision, every business strategy, every word spoken between colleagues, and every policy enacted can and should be derived from a place of compassion. Organizational success is, at its core, about human beings working together as a team. To have the right team you need to hire the right talent which will be my discussion.
Randi Frank Presented to the Louisville City Salesman’s Club about Recruitment
On July 24th I spoke at the Louisville City Salesmen’s Club which is a business networking group of business owners and salesman for various different companies in the Louisville Metro Area. The purpose is to increase the business efficiency of each member and to cultivate the highest ethics of salesmanship by the exchange and discussion of idea and the promotion of good fellowship. Each member represents a different type of business or services and do not compete with each other but support each other. I was asked by one of their member’s Lori Mangum of Yes 502 Media (social media marketing firm) to speak about recruitment. I presented a shorten version of my past speeches on this topic. See my blog on Tips on Recruitment for more details https://randifrank.com/category/hr-tips-techniques/hiring-tips/tips-for-recruitment/
Truman Scholars Reunion
On July 20th to 22nd I attended the fifth Truman Scholars Reunion. As a member of the first class of Truman Scholars – 1977 from CT I enjoy these events to meet the new Scholars and see many of my friends from past years such as Mark Cannon (Executive Dir APCO), Bob Van der Velde (Dean of CA College), Kent Bradley (Medical Doctor and Past Public Health Advocate) who have been attending these events for many years. I also caught up with many other friends from past meetings. The Truman Scholarship Foundation gives out at least 53 scholarships each year for a student from each State, DC, Puerto Rico and the Islands. The Scholarship is in honor of Harry S. Truman in the form of scholarships for those going into public service instead of a Statue. [ For more information about the Truman Scholarship (scholarship for Juniors in college going into public service) see website https://www.truman.gov ] .
Friday Night we had dinner and speaker at the DC Press Club. Madeline Albright – Past Secretary of State and Member of the Truman Foundation Board and Jake Sullivan a Truman scholar from MN 97 spoke about Foreign Policy. Sullivan is a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Brady-Johnson Distinguished Practitioner in Grand Strategy at Yale University. He served in the Obama administration as national security adviser to Vice President Joe Biden and Director of Policy Planning at the U.S. Department of State, as well as deputy chief of staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. It was a lively discussion
Saturday, we had a number of sessions and luncheon speaker of another Truman Scholar from MD 1987. Joshua A. Gordon, M.D., Ph.D., is the Director of the National Institute of Mental Health, one of the National Institutes of Health within the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Appointed in 2016, he leads the federal agency for research on mental disorders. He is a former assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University, and former associate director of the Columbia University/New York State Psychiatric Institute Adult Psychiatry Residency Program. He spoke about opportunities in Public Service with Science from Academia to Government Service.
Randi Frank collaborated with other HR pros to write new book.
Randi Frank joined other Human Resource professionals to write You@Work: Unlocking the Human Potential in the Workplace.
You@Work: Unlocking the Human Potential in the Workplace is for sale here.
Price $20.00 (includes shipping and handling).
If interested, please email me at [email protected] to get the Book
About the book:
Contemporary HR professionals and business leaders are beginning to understand the importance of unlocking human potential and maximizing performance and innovation by truly embracing the human spirit of their employees.
This unique and powerful book explores the nuances of bringing our whole selves to work, and challenges us to shed the outdated notion of asking employees to check their humanity at the door.
What does it mean to BE YOU and BE VALUED AS YOU in the workplace?
The stories in this book answer those questions, and more.Absolutely every decision, every business strategy, every word spoken between colleagues, and every policy enacted can and should be derived from a place of deep respect for one another — not just as “talent” but as people. Organizational success is, at its core, about human beings working together to serve human purposes.
Open this book to take a fresh, personal look at:
• Well-being
• Work/life balance
• Energy management
• Leadership styles
• Diversity and inclusion
• Personal and professional development
• The personal facets of recruitment (Randi’s chapter)
• Retirement planning with heart
• Self-awareness
• Strategies for individual and team success
• Workplace respect
• And much more.You@Work is a remarkable collection of insights from 15 leading HR and OD experts, across multiple industries and professional roles. And it’s a must-read for any leader looking to achieve more by putting humanity back into the workplace.
This book is part of The @Work Series from Silver Tree Publishing.
Randi Frank will speak on Recruiting vs Hiring at Small Business Conference & Expo
Chamber of St Matthews
Name: Small Business Conference & Expo
Where: Holiday Inn Louisville. East on 1325 S Hurstbourne Parkway
Date: April 18, 2018
Time: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM EDT
Event Description:
Small Business Conference & Expo is specifically designed to help small business owners, startups and entrepreneurs like you take their business to the next level.
Ms. Frank’s session will be at 1:30pm-2:30pm. Join us for a great day of networking, lunch & education for all types of businesses.
The one-day event offers invaluable insights and exclusive networking opportunities with a wide range of business-critical workshops, seminars and presentations from top industry experts, networking, industry-leading exhibitors with innovative products/services to help your business, a business card exchange & much more.
Whether you are in the start-up phase, looking for a job, or are a long-established company, Small Business Conference and Expo has the resources you need to stay a step ahead of your competition. If you’re looking to drive your business forward and take the next step to success, join us at the Holiday Inn Louisville East on 1325 S Hurstbourne Parkway!
Cost for conference is $60 which includes lunch and conference and open expo – Additional educational sessions are also at 3pm-4pm.
Randi presents Sexual Harassment Prevention program to WKU students
Randi Frank presenting a Sexual Harassment Prevention training program for Western Kentucky University (WKU). There were over 35 students with a lively discussion. This was promoted by Dr. Victoria Gordon, Director, Center for Local Governments, WKU Political Science Department. She felt this was important for students going out into the work place to understand their rights. In addition to explaining the WKU Policy we also discussed the Title IX regulations related to campus life. Title IX originally was set up to make sure woman and men sports were equal on campus but now includes equitable treatment of both males and females on campus. Of course, Sexual Harassment falls under Title VII of the Civil Rights Laws.
Feel free to contact Randi Frank Consulting if you need Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for your organization.
NEW – Network of Entrepreneurial Women
Attended a great networking meeting with Women from NEW- Network of Entrepreneurial Women. The topic was “If I had only known these Lessons”. Mindy Munson, President of Munson Business Interiors – an office design firm for mid to large size companies that provides office furniture and solutions. Mindy has over 30 years of experience with this business that she started which now as grown to 24 employees and annual revenues of over $10 million. She is currently training her daughter in all aspects of the business as her succession plan for her eventual retirement. These were some of the things she said she wished she had none when she started in business:
- Find your niche – what you are good at and passionate about!
- Understand your cash flow – find a bank that represents you and vendors that will give you a line of credit
- Always take the cash discount by paying your bills quickly
- Manage and collect your account receivables
- Find a smaller legal and accounting firm that can provide personal service
- Develop an employee handbook (this is something that we at Randi Frank Consulting can help your with)
- Document your procedures so if someone is out others know the process
- Make sure you have the right insurance
- When hiring look for grit, can they continue to learn and will they work hard (again Randi Frank Consulting can help you with this see our blog on Reviewing resumes & Executive Searches)
- You should have panel interviews so you get different perspectives from your staff on new employees (See Blog Tips on Interviewing)
- What gets measured get done – have goals and objectives
- What gets celebrated gets repeated
These are all great ideas for new businesses and entrepreneurs. If you are just staring your business call Randi Frank Consulting for your Human Resources needs. [email protected]
KY City & County Managers Association – Chapter of International City/County Management Association
I attended the KCCMA Annual Conference recently where we learned about trends in health insurance, how Hopkinsville planned for the Solar Eclipse and about Murry State University’s Martin School of Public Policy. Professor Morrison provided us an example of a municipal issue for discussion which we critiqued and talked about a better way to handle a similar situation. Then Jay McCord, a consultant, talked about Managing Multiple Generations in the Workforce.
He discussed how we have 4 generations working in the same workforce at this time. Traditionalist, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y-Millennials and the next group coming is Gen Z. He compared it to a Salad Bowl where you have all types of people in one place and you need to get them to work together. It is all about building relationships with each group and understanding where they are coming from – such as:
- Traditionalist (before 1946)– Meet me – Love rules & structure- like to show their knowledge
- Baby Boomers (1946-1966) – Call me – Want to make a difference – significant success – corner stone of Building is what they want to leave behind – leaders by influence – 10,000 retiring every day
- Gen X – (1966-1981) email me – Smallest Generation – very individual – money, fulfilling job and health are important – they played video games for the score
- Gen Y – (1981-2000) text me – Know technology, multi-taskers – want to change the world – community is important because they played games as a group – expect technology – use to Uber, Air BNB, Amazon, – understand services can be offered different way – will be 54% of workforce – de-institutionalize system and demand more from government
- Gen Z – visual – You Tube
After this interesting speech we went to dinner at the Kentucky Castle – see some pictures attached.
Southwest Woman’s Roundtable
I have been networking with a number of woman’s groups within the Louisville Metro area to make more connections for my business. I attended my first meeting of the Southwest Woman’s Roundtable a group of woman in business that focus on their businesses in the Southwest part of Louisville. They meet each month to support each other’s business and have different speakers. The speaker at the meeting I attended was Colonel Pamela Stevenson – U.S. Airforce (retired). Her topic was the “The Power of me – Personal Leadership that Makes the Difference”
She highlighted the issues she faced as one of the rare woman in the Airforce (it was man’s world then and she felt it still is but we can change that as woman). She highlighted a Woman’s Power:
- Power of me is a declaration of self
- Build a team around you
- Believe in you
- Be bold leaders with confidences, courage, vested interest and tenacity
- Don’t get in your own way with excuses and negative thoughts.
She then recommended woman use their power to move your city and community forward in some way such as: empower other woman, empower girls behind us, and end racism. Pick a cause and move forward step by step. I enjoyed this inspirational speaker.
Kentucky International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR)
I attended a meeting recently of the Kentucky International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR). The topic was the State of Talent Management given by Jayne Hale Jarvis of Talent Bar Recruiting, LLC. She said the days of posting/advertising a job and praying are over. In today’s environment you need to sell your organizations.
This is happening by making sure your organization is on the various social media sites to generate interest in your organization, so when you advertise the position people know it is a great place to work. Human Resource personnel need to have a sales mentality about their organizations and positions. They need to make more than one touch with potential candidates to attract their attention. This means various social media sites and various professional sites via advertising and emails.
But the talent management doesn’t stop with advertising/recruiting. You need to make sure the candidate has a positive experience throughout the recruitment process and on-boarding process. In addition you need to continue a positive atmosphere for employees so they enjoy working for your organization until they retire. Happy employees are your best sells people to help with your talent management. Ms. Jarvis then talked about Workforce planning & retention as part of talent management including:
- Personal assessment to get people read for promotions
- Engaging employees
- Recognition programs for employees
- Stay interviews to make sure your good employees don’t leave and you help them with their goals for their careers
As Ms. Jarvis mentioned recruitment and on-boarding are very important parts of the Talent Management and Workforce planning & retention systems. Please click on my tips for recruitment and on-boarding as part of my blogs.
Kentucky Public Human Resources Association (KPHRS)
I joined KPHRS – Kentucky Public Human Resources Association and attended their fall conference recently. KPHRS is an association of HR professionals who work for City, County or Public Agencies. It is similar to the ConnPelra group in CT that represents the Municipal HR professionals. The Fall conference was held in Frankfort at the Kentucky Association of County Officials-KACO.
Topics covered at the fall conference included the State Pension Plan revisions that affect all municipal employees (there is one system in the State so if you move from one city to another you are still in the same pension plan). The Kentucky system includes State employees-KERS and the City/County Employees in the CERS. Unfortunately, the State has not been making their payments while the City and Counties have and the retirement system is underfunded similar to other States.
There was also a review of health benefits that was based on a survey conducted regarding usual changes in premium share and co-payments.
The last speaker, a municipal attorney, reviewed the State Freedom of Information (FOI) laws, and sexual harassment cases by vendors or customers. FOI rules in Kentucky allow Cities to charge commercial entities for copies and time spent gathering information. It also allows Cities to appeal if the request is too burdensome and only provide the information in the format they have and not put it into a requested format.
The State of Kentucky does not require by law that supervisors be trained in Sexual Harassment Prevention as is required in Connecticut. However, it is recommended that training be conducted and the policies must have a number of ways for employees to report problems. It also requires that employers make sure that employees are not being harassed by outside vendors or customers. For additional information about Sexual Harassment Prevention see my website at https://randifrank.com/category/hr-tips-techniques/sexual-harassment-prevention/