Are you having a problem recruiting the right people or retaining your best employees?
Randi Frank can help. By developing proper job descriptions that set objectives and responsibilities of the position, you can ensure that you get the right person for the job. Randi can set up a recruiting and testing system that will address your needs for the position. Randi can prepare policies to ensure your company adheres to all federal regulations as they apply to employment.
Human Resource Services Include…
- Conduct recruitment and testing for management, professional and clerical positions
- Perform salary studies and prepare job descriptions
- Serve as Interim Human Resource Manager
- Analyze Union Contracts for Negotiations
- Prepare or revise Personnel Policies such as:
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Family Medical Leave Act
- HIPAA Procedures
- Sexual Harassment
- Affirmative Action
- Human Resource Manual
- Organize Employee orientation and training programs