In addition to Randi’s years of experience, she holds several degrees and has received numerous awards.
Educational Qualifications
- University of Southern California – Masters in Public Administration. (M.P.A.)
- University of Rhode Island – B.A., Major: Urban Affairs.
Awards, Activities and Memberships:
- Certified Minority-Women Business Enterprise
- Certified School Business Manager
- A.R.M. – Risk Management Certification from Insurance Institute of America
- President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer PRIMA (Risk Management Association)
- Board member, Connecticut Town & City Manager’s Association (CTCMA)
- Member of PRIMA, CONPELRA (Personnel Association), IPMA (International Personnel Management Association) PPAC (Purchasing Association), CTCMA, ASPA (American Society of Public Administrators)
- Member ICMA (International City/County Manager’s Association), Conference Fellowship
- Subcommittee Chair & Member – ICMA Committee on Career Support for Minorities & Women
- ICMA – PM Magazine wrote article: “Benefits of Internships to Managers and Interns”
- Profiled in “Public Management Women” – ICMA publication
- Harry S. Truman Scholarship Recipient
As an experienced project manager, Randi Frank can help you complete those administrative and management projects that seem to always simmer on the back burner unfinished.