Are you having a problem recruiting the right people?
Randi Frank can help. By reviewing the job description and developing a profile that promotes your company and position. RFC can ensure that you have an extensive choice of qualified prospective candidates.
Executive Search Services
- Assist company to produce a comprehensive position profile and reach agreement about the expectations concerning the ideal candidate.
- Seeking out and encouraging top-level people to apply who would otherwise be reluctant to respond to advertising.
- Saving the staff considerable time in establishing a position profile. The position profile is presented in a brochure form that can assist in recruiting high quality candidates while promoting the company.
- Reviewing applications to ensure they meet minimum qualifications
- Complying with appropriate personnel regulations and guidelines.
- Independently and objectively assessing the qualifications and suitability of candidates for the position.
- Assist with various interview processes
- Perform reference and background checks
- Assist company in reaching a final decision and in negotiating a compensation package with the successful candidate.
- Assist company in establishing criteria for evaluating the new employee’s performance.
- Keeping appropriate staff closely involved in key decisions and informed of our progress with the search.
Recruitment Services
- Consultant reviews all materials on position, develops or revises job description as needed
- Optional: Develop Profile of position to mail and email to potential candidates. Profile includes: description of community, description of organization, description of department, job description, job qualifications, challenges facing position, etc.
- Develop timetable for recruitment
- Decisions on types and amount of advertising to be used
- Develop list of target candidates and professional organizations to tap for qualified candidates. Email or mail literature to target candidates
- Receive, review and evaluate candidates materials – develop rating system to determine the highest quality of candidate
- Possibly develop a written evaluation form or test for top candidates to complete to proceed in process. This tool can be used to limit the top number of candidates to be interviewed.
- Develop interview process for top candidates. Develop Practical exams that reflect job duties and tasks (i.e. public presentation test, paperwork processing test, telephone test, etc)
- Conduct first and second interviews and practical exams as necessary
- Conduct reference checks on top candidates as required