Located on the southwestern coast of Connecticut, along Long Island Sound, Darien is part of affluent Fairfield County. There are two train stations in Darien, serviced by Metro North Railroad, for commuting to cities to the north and south of town. To the south, neighboring Stamford, a large CT community with many business headquarters, and […]

Sample services provided by Randi Frank Consulting include:
Recruitment Services
Classification & Compensation Studies
Preparing Employee Handbook or Personnel Policies
Developing Job Descriptions
Preparing Sexual Harassment Prevention Policies
Conducting Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
General Human Resources Consulting
Current Executive Searches
Town of Berlin, CT Town Manager
TOWN OF BERLIN, CONNECTICUT (Est 1785 -Pop 20,149) Invites Candidates To apply for the TOWN MANAGER POSITION Berlin, Connecticut, the home of “The Yankee Peddler” is located at the geographic center of the state. In the 1800’s the Berlin Railroad Depot opened as a way station on the New York, New Haven and Hartford line. […]

Randi Frank collaborated with other HR pros to write new book.
Randi Frank wrote Chapter 6 – “Recruiting the Right Talent for Your Organization” for the book You@Work: Unlocking the Human Potential in the Workplace.
More details about the book…
$20.00 (includes shipping and handling).
If interested, please email me at [email protected] to get the Book
Call Randi Frank
As an experienced project manager, Randi Frank can help you complete those administrative and management projects that seem to always simmer on the back burner unfinished. Contact Randi for a courtesy consultation today.