Hartford, CT:
Randi Frank Consulting, LLC taught at the Entrepreneurial Center in Hartford, CT, which is part of the University of Hartford’s Business School promoting small businesses. The class was an introduction to Human Resources, covering issues such as job descriptions, recruitment processes, personnel handbooks, and personnel policies like sexual harassment prevention. Randi Frank Consulting provided tips on recruitment, interviewing, and reviewing resumes for employers. See www.randifrank.com (Blog Section).
Stamford, CT:
Randi Frank Consulting, LLC conducted Sexual Harassment Prevention training sessions for a large firm in Stamford. It is very important to train all employees on this subject to prevent workplace incidents and lawsuits. Go to my blog for more detail about Sexual Harassment Prevention: www.randifrank.com (Blog Section).
Middletown, CT:
Randi Frank was one of three speakers at the Middlesex Businesswomen’s Alliance (MBA) meeting on the subject of “Changing Gears & Switching Careers.” Ms Frank spoke about creating an effective resume, conducting yourself professionally in job interviews, and preparing for an interview by researching the company or agency and understanding their needs for the new position.